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Office Hours : Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 12pm
Ozone is a naturally occurring gas which has been used successfully for a variety of medical conditions. I, like many other doctors, have found ozone treatments to be an indispensable part of my medical practice, due to the efficacy I’ve seen in my clinic here in Los Angeles.
Rectally, topically (applied to the skin), and as Major autohemotherapy (where blood is mixed with ozone outside the body and then reinfused into the body). We may repeat blood ozonation multiple times in one treatment (multipass ozone therapy), up to ten times (10 pass ozone therapy). Ozone treatments has been effectively used for treating systemic infections, gangrene, wound healing, autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, macular degeneration, angina and heart disease (cardiovascular disease), among other things.
High-dose ozone therapy is a natural and alternative treatment that can be utilized to treat many conditions. It should be administered under the care of a trained doctor who can monitor and supervise your treatments. The necessary frequency of treatments will be determined by the individual patient’s health status. During the 10 pass ozone session, blood is removed from the body utilizing a special high dose ozone machine. The blood is then mixed with ozone gas, then this ozonated blood is reinfused back into the bloodstream. This process, referred to as blood ozonation, is repeated up to ten times – thus the terminology ‘ten pass’ or high dose ozone treatment.
During the ozone reinfusion, the 10 pass therapy uses the patient’s own stem cells to send signals to the body to begin the repairing process. This treatment has proven stem cell activation and may result in health benefits for various diseases. Better sleep, more energy and skin improvements may also be seen in some patients. Hormonal imbalance and detoxification of heavy metals could also be improved from 10 pass ozone treatment sessions.
Dr. Johann Lahodny of Austria was the first to develop this high dose ozone treatment. According to evaluations of patients’ blood samples collected before and after ten pass ozone therapy, he has seen that energy production and mitochondrial function of the cells is greatly increased, and biomarkers responsible for healing and stem cell activation are also greatly elevated in the bloodstream. This has important implications for treatment of a variety of disorders.
When used topically, ozone treatments kills microbes such as bacteria and fungi, and increases wound healing. When mixed with blood, ozone increases the body’s ability to utilize oxygen and produce energy, stimulates the body’s production of antioxidant enzymes, and improves the function of the immune system.
Call now: (424)278-4325, or CONTACT US by email
Office Hours : Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 12pm
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