Call now: (424)278-4325, or CONTACT US by email
Office Hours : Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 12pm
Allergies can cause a lot of distress. Symptoms can include runny noses from hay fever, itchy red eyes, itchy or scratchy throat or palate, and post-nasal drip. Asthma and atopic dermatitis (aka eczema) can also be due to an allergy. You can be allergic to one substance, or a multitude of substances (referred to as allergens), including trees, grasses, flowers, molds, cat dander, pollens, dust mites and other insects.
At Vitality Integrative Medicine, we use proven diagnostic tests and treatments for your allergies. First, we do a blood test to determine what it is you’re allergic to. Then, we use a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy) to resolve your symptoms and get you feeling better. With SLIT, you take daily drops of progressively higher doses of the allergen, causing the immune system to decrease its allergic response. Taking drops is more convenient – and less painful! – than the traditional injection therapy, while being equally effective. SLIT has been shown in studies to be as effective as SCIT (subcutaneous injection therapy).
Rather than just treating symptoms with an over-the-counter antihistamine, our treatments are designed to get at the root of the problem – an overactive immune system. We work to create what’s called ‘immune tolerance’. In the allergic individual, the immune system inappropriately marks the allergen as dangerous and mounts an immune response, resulting in all the symptoms you associate with the allergy. However, in non-allergic individuals, their immune system doesn’t recognize it as dangerous, because their immune cells have developed immune tolerance. Our treatments work both to decrease symptoms from the outset, as well as to create immune tolerance over time so that the immune response is significantly decreased, or eliminated.
To find out more about our allergy program, or to get started on your path to being allergy-free, call us at 424-278-4325.
Call now: (424)278-4325, or CONTACT US by email
Office Hours : Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 12pm
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